Museum of Walloon Life

Museum of Walloon LifeMuseum of Walloon LifeMuseum of Walloon LifeMuseum of Walloon Life

Symposiums and lectures

Our lecture cycles and symposiums are special events contributing in the diversity of the programming!

Lectures and symposiums...

Past Symposium's participants

They contribute in the meeting between professionals and enthusiasts to create real debates and exchanges around topical international subjects...

Some of the past symposiums also featured interventions of specialists from foreign countries (The Netherlands, Sweden, Poland,...). Some of these speakers chose to express themselves in English!

Our lecture cycles are only in French!

Some of the past conference proceedings have been published in English. Contact us if you may be interested in getting more informations !

Contacts & informations :

+32 (0)4/279.20.31-


Mrs. Filiber (Historian)
Mrs. Grzeskowiak (Director of the Museum)
Mrs. Quoilin (Historian)
Lecture cycles : 'around the exhibition 'Blood Crimes''
Lecture cycle around the exhibition 'Madness'
'How to cleanse your house and make it more pleasant?' (lecture)
'Ethics & Sports' (lecture)
'Social History in Wallonia' (lecture)
'Carnival in Wallonia' (lecture)
'Jazz in Liège' (lecture)
'Variety of fruit in Wallonia' (lecture)
'Why and how to teach Walloon at school?' (lecture)